We'll continue practicing our trig manipulations as it is a bread and butter skill. We'll work on Physics as needed on Thursday and have no class on Friday (due to your Physics Paper 3). So look for our test on Trig on Tuesday or Thursday next week. See you in class,
Update: Trig test will be on Tue 5/15. More practice, with markscheme, is available here: Trig Practice 2: 2009 & Nov 2010
Mr. Alei
HL: Week of 5/7/12
Tue 5/8/12 and Thu 5/10/12:
Finish the following by Tuesday, 5/15/12
12J: #1-24: Compound angle formulae
12K: #1-21: Double angle formulae
QB Trig Practice #1-19 (done mostly)
12L: #1-3: Trig equations in quadratic form
12M: #1-7: Trig Series and Products
Fri 5/11: No Class (Physics Paper 3)
Items of interest for download:
Algebra Review Problems-----------MarkScheme
Complex numbers review set (w/markscheme)
Trig Practice Problems
Trig Unit Plan
Trig Class Notes
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting. HL text links below.
Updated 5/10/12 10:21 am-----------Edline