We'll continue this week with probability. Now that we've had an introduction to counting principles, we'll put that to work by looking at theoretical and experimental probability. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
My dear students: Every year about this time, certain students begin to realize that transcript grades will soon be issued. For students unhappy with their current grade, the response to this upcoming event takes two main forms: a) The Ostrich: put head in sand and hope for the best and b) The Peacock: make a squawk with the teacher (me), find out what you need to do to improve your grade, and do it over the next few weeks. If you have been taking the first approach, I strongly urge you to take the second, beginning immediately. For you see, if you wait too long to address the issue, you will have no options.
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 4/23/12
Tue 4/24: 10.2 p. 694 #14,15,17,18, 21-35 odd
10.3a p. 701 #3-18 by 3, 34
Thu 4/26: 10.3b p. 702 #20-23,27,28-31,35-43 odd
Fri 4/27: Mixed Review p. 704 #44-46,50-56 even
10.3c p. 705 #1-8 all except 2
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting. PreDP text links below.
Updated 4/21/12 11:52 am-----------Edline