Nothing earth shattering to share this week. Except that we'll miss Friday due to your Taos Pueblo field trip. Let's keep it tight in class,
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 9/26/11
Due Tue 9/27/11:
Ex 2: 16.1,16.2,16.3,16.4,16.10,16.11,17.2,17.12,17.13,17.14
Due Thu 9/29/11:
Ex 2: 19.2,19.6,19.7,19.8,20.1,20.7,20.8,20.9,20.10,20.11
Due Fri 9/30/11: No Class - Taos Pueblo field trip.
Coming up...Due Tue 10/4/11:
Ex 2: 21.1,21.7,22.6,22.7,23.6,23.8,24.1,24.7,25.3,25.7
Updated 9/26/11 10:48 pm
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments