Welcome to my web page for IB Math, Standard Level Year 2 at Desert Academy for 2011-12. Our course outline can be downloaded here. We'll be using curriculum from the Phillips Exeter Academy and from the Haese and Harris IB textbook. You can download the Exeter material from the following links. In the future, you can use the links at the bottom of the page.
>> Exeter Math Year 1
>> Exeter Math Year 2
>> Exeter Math Year 3
>> Exeter Math Year 4
>> Exeter Discrete Math
I'll keep this page up to date with homework, resources, and other information so bookmark it and check it often. I look forward to meeting you all and learning a bunch of math!
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 8/22/11
Tue 8/23/11: SL Practice: Alg & Functions
Thu 8/25/11: SL Practice: Circles & Trig
Fri 8/26/11: SL Practice: Matrices & Vectors
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments