All done except your final exam folks. Be sure to get any and all missing/absent/late work in by the end of the day Monday, Dec 12. Anything unaccounted for after that time will receive a zero unless you have a written agreement with me.
The study guide for the final is available here. The final will be a subset of these problems with different numbers. The final does not cover Chapter 4 and you may use an 8.5"x11" handwritten crib sheet.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in January with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 12/12/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule
Review in class & return Ch 4 Tests.
Tue 12/13: Math finals 10:20-11:50 am
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 12/11/11 7:31 pm---------C:Edline---------I: Edline
Monday, December 12, 2011
Pre DP - 12/12/11
All done except your final exam folks. Be sure to get any and all missing/absent/late work in by the end of the day Monday, Dec 12. Anything unaccounted for after that time will receive a zero unless you have a written agreement with me.
In preparation for the exam, I would encourage you to look over your notes and try to summarize the big ideas. The better more you do in advance, the better you will perform on the final.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in January with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Review in class.
Tue 12/13: Math finals 10:20-11:50 am
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 12/11/11 7:42 am-----------Edline
In preparation for the exam, I would encourage you to look over your notes and try to summarize the big ideas. The better more you do in advance, the better you will perform on the final.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in January with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Review in class.
Tue 12/13: Math finals 10:20-11:50 am
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 12/11/11 7:42 am-----------Edline
3:00 PM

SL 1 - 12/12/11
All done except your final exam folks. Be sure to get any and all missing/absent/late work in by the end of the day Monday, Dec 12. Anything unaccounted for after that time will receive a zero unless you have a written agreement with me.
In preparation for the exam, I would encourage you to do all the problems on the handout that I gave out (Download here) as well as looking over your vector tests and quizzes.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in January with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 12/12/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Review in class.
Tue 12/13: Math finals 10:20-11:50 am
Matrix notes from class are available here.
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/11/11 7:34 pm-----------Edline
In preparation for the exam, I would encourage you to do all the problems on the handout that I gave out (Download here) as well as looking over your vector tests and quizzes.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in January with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 12/12/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Review in class.
Tue 12/13: Math finals 10:20-11:50 am
Matrix notes from class are available here.
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/11/11 7:34 pm-----------Edline
2:00 PM

SL 2 - 12/12/11
Gee, nothing to do but relax this week. I'll return your Statistics Unit Tests on Monday and then you're home free until January.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in 2012 with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
SL 2: Week of 12/12/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Return Stats tests
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/11/11 7:37 pm-----------Edline
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in 2012 with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
SL 2: Week of 12/12/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Return Stats tests
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/11/11 7:37 pm-----------Edline
1:00 PM

HL - 12/12/11
All done except your final exam folks. Be sure to get any and all missing/absent/late work in by the end of the day Monday, Dec 12. Anything unaccounted for after that time will receive a zero unless you have a written agreement with me.
In preparation for the exam, I would encourage you to review your vector and matrix tests and quizzes. You may have the HL formula sheet as assistance.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in January with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
HL: Week of 12/5/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Review in class.
Tue 12/13: Math finals 10:20-11:50 am
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. HL text links below.
Updated 12/11/11 7:45 pm-----------Edline
In preparation for the exam, I would encourage you to review your vector and matrix tests and quizzes. You may have the HL formula sheet as assistance.
Have a great holiday. I hope you all have plenty of rest, good food, time with friends, family, and fun and come back in January with renewed energy.
Mr. Alei
HL: Week of 12/5/11
Mon 12/12: Friday Schedule. Review in class.
Tue 12/13: Math finals 10:20-11:50 am
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. HL text links below.
Updated 12/11/11 7:45 pm-----------Edline
12:00 PM

Monday, December 5, 2011
Algebra 2 - 12/5/11
Snow update: Due to missing C block on Monday, I will not include section 4.10 in the Chapter 4 test on Friday. However, barring more snow, I still intend to give the exam. Note that there is link to the study guide for the semester final included below. Be sure to get any missing or late work into me by this Friday at the latest to be included in your semester grade. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Mon/Tue 12/5&6: 4.10 p 312 #3-39 by 3
Wed/Thu 12/7&12/8: Review p. 318 #3-39 by 3, #45-47 all
Fri 12/9: Chapter 4 Test (No HW over break)
Coming up...Math Semester Final Tuesday, 12/13
The final will consist of a selection of some of the problems included in the Study Guide, available for download here.
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 12/5/11 4:40 pm---------C:Edline---------I: Edline
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Mon/Tue 12/5&6: 4.10 p 312 #3-39 by 3
Wed/Thu 12/7&12/8: Review p. 318 #3-39 by 3, #45-47 all
Fri 12/9: Chapter 4 Test (No HW over break)
Coming up...Math Semester Final Tuesday, 12/13
The final will consist of a selection of some of the problems included in the Study Guide, available for download here.
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 12/5/11 4:40 pm---------C:Edline---------I: Edline
4:00 PM

Pre DP - 12/5/11
We'll move on with more problem solving and work on quadratics. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Due Tue 12/6/29/11: Ex 1: 55.1,55.2,55.3,55.4,55.5,55.6,55.7,56.1
Due Thu 12/8/11: Ex 1: 56.2,56.3,56.4,56.5,56.6,56.7,56.8,56.9
Due Fri 12/9/11: Ex 1: 57.1,57.2,57.3,57.4,57.5,57.6,57.7,58.1
Coming up...
Due Tue 12/13/11: Semester Final
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 12/4/11 10:28 am-----------Edline
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Due Tue 12/6/29/11: Ex 1: 55.1,55.2,55.3,55.4,55.5,55.6,55.7,56.1
Due Thu 12/8/11: Ex 1: 56.2,56.3,56.4,56.5,56.6,56.7,56.8,56.9
Due Fri 12/9/11: Ex 1: 57.1,57.2,57.3,57.4,57.5,57.6,57.7,58.1
Coming up...
Due Tue 12/13/11: Semester Final
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 12/4/11 10:28 am-----------Edline
3:00 PM

SL 1 - 12/5/11
Snow update: As a result of the missed class today, I have decided to merge together our Matrix Unit Test (previously scheduled for this Friday) and our Semester Final. Thus, we will have only one exam, on Tuesday the 13th from 10:20-11:50 am. Think of it as an extended unit test. Most of the problems will be matrix problems, with a few vector problems to round things out. You can use the SL formula sheet that is available here during the test. Note that it includes formulae for the determinant and inverse of a 2x2 matrix and for the determinant of a 3x3 matrix. If there are inverses of a 3x3, you will be allowed to use a calculator (the IB standard for SL). There are also a few vector equations on that sheet that are worth reviewing (eg. dot product and angle between vectors...)
In preparation for the exams, I would encourage you to do all the problems on the handout that I gave out as well as finishing up the H& H section 11.E assignment. See you Wednesday,
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Due Mon 12/5/11: Snow Day!
Due Wed 12/7/11: H&H: 11C.3,11D.1&2
Matrix Practice #4-7
Fri 12/9/11: H&H: 11E#1-8
Matrix Practice #8-11
Coming up...
Tue 12/13/11: Matrix Unit Test/Semester Final.
Matrix notes from class are available here.
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/5/11 3:28 pm
In preparation for the exams, I would encourage you to do all the problems on the handout that I gave out as well as finishing up the H& H section 11.E assignment. See you Wednesday,
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 12/5/11
Due Mon 12/5/11: Snow Day!
Due Wed 12/7/11: H&H: 11C.3,11D.1&2
Matrix Practice #4-7
Fri 12/9/11: H&H: 11E#1-8
Matrix Practice #8-11
Coming up...
Tue 12/13/11: Matrix Unit Test/Semester Final.
Matrix notes from class are available here.
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/5/11 3:28 pm
2:00 PM

SL 2 - 12/5/11
We're moving along very well folks and it looks like we may be able to use the "Quiz" that I had scheduled for Friday as our Statistics Unit test since we'll be finished with the unit. We'll see how things go on Monday. In any case, we just have two more ideas before finishing up - variance and standard deviation, a couple core statistical concepts. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
SL 2: Week of 12/5/11
Due Tue 12/6/11:
14D: #1-7 Odd
14E: #1,2,3
Due Thu 12/8/11:
14F.1: #1,3,5-9 (#1 by hand, rest can use calculator)
14F.2: #2
14F.3: #3,4,5
14G: 1,3,4
Due Fri 12/2/11: Review problems as needed
Statistics Unit Quiz/Test
Stat/Prob Unit Plan
IB Stats Practice Problems
Class notes
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/3/11 9:43 pm-----------Edline
Mr. Alei
SL 2: Week of 12/5/11
Due Tue 12/6/11:
14D: #1-7 Odd
14E: #1,2,3
Due Thu 12/8/11:
14F.1: #1,3,5-9 (#1 by hand, rest can use calculator)
14F.2: #2
14F.3: #3,4,5
14G: 1,3,4
Due Fri 12/2/11: Review problems as needed
Statistics Unit Quiz/Test
Stat/Prob Unit Plan
IB Stats Practice Problems
Class notes
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. SL text links below.
Updated 12/3/11 9:43 pm-----------Edline
1:00 PM

HL - 12/5/11
So just one more idea about standard deviation, a bit more practice, then our Statistics Unit test on Friday. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
HL: Week of 12/5/11
Due Tue 12/6/11:
17F.1: #1,3,5-9: Variance, S.D. Do #1 by hand, can use calculator for others.
17F.2: #1-3: Sample vs. population, statistics vs. parameters.
17F.3: #3,4,5: SD for grouped data
Due Thu 12/8/11:
17G: #1,3,4: Standard deviation and the Normal Distribution
All HL Stats Practice Problems
Due Fri 12/9/11: Review problems as needed
Statistics Unit Quiz/Test
Stat/Prob Unit Plan
IB Stats Practice Problems
Statistics class notes
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. HL text links below.
Updated 12/3/11 10:06 pm-----------Edline
Mr. Alei
HL: Week of 12/5/11
Due Tue 12/6/11:
17F.1: #1,3,5-9: Variance, S.D. Do #1 by hand, can use calculator for others.
17F.2: #1-3: Sample vs. population, statistics vs. parameters.
17F.3: #3,4,5: SD for grouped data
Due Thu 12/8/11:
17G: #1,3,4: Standard deviation and the Normal Distribution
All HL Stats Practice Problems
Due Fri 12/9/11: Review problems as needed
Statistics Unit Quiz/Test
Stat/Prob Unit Plan
IB Stats Practice Problems
Statistics class notes
See sidebar for links to previous assignments. HL text links below.
Updated 12/3/11 10:06 pm-----------Edline
12:00 PM

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