We'll look some more at graphing quadratic functions during our one class period this week. Enjoy your Interim!
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
Mon 10/31: C Block: 4.1(b) p. 240 #21-42 by 3
Tue 11/1: I Block: Handout from class
Note: Class will have a sub. If work is handed in, no HW over Interim!
Wed 11/2 - Fri 11/4: No Class - Interim week
Those who want to review can download these notes and try the practice problems.
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/30/11 9:20 pm
Monday, October 31, 2011
Pre DP - 10/31/11
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
No classes this week folks as more than half of us will be off hiking for Interim Week. Those who stay need to report to Tamara on Tuesday at class time. There you may work together to get ahead on the Exeter problem list or do other productive work. See you next week!
Mr. Alei
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/30/11 9:56 pm
3:00 PM

SL 1 - 10/31/11
We'll have our Vector Unit Test during our one class meeting this week. See me Monday morning or at lunch if you have any outstanding questions. Coming up after Interim Week, we'll begin on our first Internal Assessment (IA). You can download a description of the IA here and, if so inclined, you may begin working on it. I hope you all enjoy your break (during which you will have no explicit math homework)!
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
Mon 10/31/11: Vector Unit Test
Wed 11/2 & Fri 11/4: No school - Interim Week
Coming up...
Internal Assessment
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/22/11 1:54 pm
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
Mon 10/31/11: Vector Unit Test
Wed 11/2 & Fri 11/4: No school - Interim Week
Coming up...
Internal Assessment
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/22/11 1:54 pm
2:00 PM

SL 2 - 10/31/11
We'll have our Matrix Unit Test during our one class meeting this week. See me Monday morning or at lunch if you have any outstanding questions. Coming up after Interim Week, we'll begin on our first Internal Assessment (IA). You can download a description of the IA here and, if so inclined, you may begin working on it. I hope you all enjoy your break (during which you will have no explicit math homework)!
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
Due Tue 11/1/11: Matrix Practice problems
Matrix Unit Test
Thu 11/3 & Fri 11/4: No School - Interim Week
Coming up...
Internal Assessment Gold Medal Heights
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/30/11 9:32 pm
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
Due Tue 11/1/11: Matrix Practice problems
Matrix Unit Test
Thu 11/3 & Fri 11/4: No School - Interim Week
Coming up...
Internal Assessment Gold Medal Heights
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/30/11 9:32 pm
1:00 PM

HL - 10/31/11
Good work with matrices so far folks. We'll go into some new ideas with matrices this week. Look for our matrix unit test on Nov 10 or 11. Enjoy your Interim Week!
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
Matrix Notes
Due Tue 11/1/11: H&H: 13C.2 & 13C.3,13D.1, 13E#4-9
Thu 11/3 & Fri 11/4: No Class - Interim Week
Coming up...Due Tue 11/8/11: H&H: 13.F.1
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/31/11 9:43 pm
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/31/11
Matrix Notes
Due Tue 11/1/11: H&H: 13C.2 & 13C.3,13D.1, 13E#4-9
Thu 11/3 & Fri 11/4: No Class - Interim Week
Coming up...Due Tue 11/8/11: H&H: 13.F.1
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/31/11 9:43 pm
12:00 PM

Monday, October 24, 2011
Algebra 2 - 10/24/11
We'll start the week with our Chapter 3 test and immediately move on to the next unit which involves curved lines (yeah!). C block students will miss Monday and I urge you to come in on Tuesday if you have questions about Chapter 3 ideas. See you all in class,
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Mon 10/24: C Block: No School (SLC's)
Tue 10/25: I Block: Chapter 3 Test (No HW)
Wed 10/26: C Block: Chapter 3 Test (No HW)
Thu 10/27: I Block: 4.1(a) p. 240 #7 - 19 odd
Fri 10/28:
C Block: 4.1(a) p. 240 #7 - 19 odd
I Block: 4.1(b) p. 240 #21-42 by 3
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/27/11 1:59 pm
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Mon 10/24: C Block: No School (SLC's)
Tue 10/25: I Block: Chapter 3 Test (No HW)
Wed 10/26: C Block: Chapter 3 Test (No HW)
Thu 10/27: I Block: 4.1(a) p. 240 #7 - 19 odd
Fri 10/28:
C Block: 4.1(a) p. 240 #7 - 19 odd
I Block: 4.1(b) p. 240 #21-42 by 3
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/27/11 1:59 pm
4:00 PM

Pre-DP - 10/24/11
We'll start with a quiz on parametric equations on Monday. Then on with more exploration of vectors. See you in class.
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Due Tue 10/25/11: Quiz on Parametric Equations
Also know your Pythagorean triples & Perfect squares to 20!
Due: Ex 2: 29.4, 29.5, 29.6, 29.7, 29.8
Due Thu 10/27/11: Ex 2: 29.7,29.8,29.10,29.11,29.12
Due Fri 10/28/11: Ex 2: 29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4
Coming up...Tue 11/1/11:
No class - (Interim week starts early for a few of us)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/23/11 10:12 pm
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Due Tue 10/25/11: Quiz on Parametric Equations
Also know your Pythagorean triples & Perfect squares to 20!
Due: Ex 2: 29.4, 29.5, 29.6, 29.7, 29.8
Due Thu 10/27/11: Ex 2: 29.7,29.8,29.10,29.11,29.12
Due Fri 10/28/11: Ex 2: 29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4
Coming up...Tue 11/1/11:
No class - (Interim week starts early for a few of us)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/23/11 10:12 pm
3:00 PM

SL 1 - 10/24/11
We'll finish up vectors this week with the unit test scheduled for Tuesday, 10/31. There are no new ideas, just practicing what we know, looking at the ideas in new contexts. Please be sure to come in for extra help if you are at all unclear about anything. The best practice for the test is the handout of IB problems that I gave you and which can be downloaded here if you don't have a copy handy. See you Wednesday (or before if you have time to come in!)
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Mon 10/24/11: No Class (SLCs)
Due Wed 10/26/11:
Ex 2: 51.5,51.6,52.3,52.7,54.11,60.8,66.1,78.4
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7
Also Due: IB Practice: 1 - 5
Due Fri 10/28/11:
Ex 3: 10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,23.4
Also Due: IB Practice: 6 - 10
Coming up...
Vector Unit Test Mon 10/31 (scary, eh?)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/22/11 1:54 pm
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Mon 10/24/11: No Class (SLCs)
Due Wed 10/26/11:
Ex 2: 51.5,51.6,52.3,52.7,54.11,60.8,66.1,78.4
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7
Also Due: IB Practice: 1 - 5
Due Fri 10/28/11:
Ex 3: 10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,23.4
Also Due: IB Practice: 6 - 10
Coming up...
Vector Unit Test Mon 10/31 (scary, eh?)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/22/11 1:54 pm
2:00 PM

SL 2 - 10/24/11
We'll finish up our matrix work this week, culminating in the Matrix unit test next Tuesday. Be sure to come in for clarification if there are any ideas that you are unclear on. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Due Tue 10/25/11:
Ex 3: 30.4,30.5,33.6,36.3,38.2,48.2,75.6
Due Thu 10/27/11:
Matrix Practice problems #1-6
Fri 10/28/11:
Matrix Practice problems #7-11
Coming up...
Tue 10/25/11: Matrix Unit Test (Study practice problems)
Also: H&H:11E#1-8
After Interim Week: Internal Assessment Gold Medal Heights
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/23/11 10:20 am
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Due Tue 10/25/11:
Ex 3: 30.4,30.5,33.6,36.3,38.2,48.2,75.6
Due Thu 10/27/11:
Matrix Practice problems #1-6
Fri 10/28/11:
Matrix Practice problems #7-11
Coming up...
Tue 10/25/11: Matrix Unit Test (Study practice problems)
Also: H&H:11E#1-8
After Interim Week: Internal Assessment Gold Medal Heights
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/23/11 10:20 am
1:00 PM

HL - 10/24/11
So we'll start off the week with the Vector Unit test and then move right into Matrices (which I think you will find quite to your liking!). If you have questions before the test, you can call or email me or try to get to school early on Tuesday - I'm usually around by about 7:45 am. See you Tuesday,
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Tue 10/24/11: Vector Unit Test
HW Assigned: Ex 3:13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9,22.3,22.6,22.7,23.10
Due Thu 10/26/11:
Ex 3:13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9,22.3,22.6,22.7,23.10
Due Fri 10/27/11:
H&H:13B.5#1-4, 13B.8, 13C.1
Matrix Notes
Coming up...Due Tue 11/1/11:
H&H: 13C.2 & 13C.3, 13D.1, 13E#4-9
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/27/11 11:55 am
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/24/11
Tue 10/24/11: Vector Unit Test
HW Assigned: Ex 3:13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9,22.3,22.6,22.7,23.10
Due Thu 10/26/11:
Ex 3:13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9,22.3,22.6,22.7,23.10
Due Fri 10/27/11:
H&H:13B.5#1-4, 13B.8, 13C.1
Matrix Notes
Coming up...Due Tue 11/1/11:
H&H: 13C.2 & 13C.3, 13D.1, 13E#4-9
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/27/11 11:55 am
12:00 PM

Monday, October 17, 2011
Algebra 2 - 10/17/11
Moving on to Q2, we'll finish up our work with matrices and linear equations this week. Our unit test on Chapter 3 will be next week. Also coming Friday and Monday are student led conferences. Find some of your best work to present. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Mon/Tue 10/17 & 18/11: 3.8 p. 214 #3-39 by 3, 43-45 & 48
Wed/Thu 10/19 & 20/11: Ch 3 Review: p. 222 #4-34 by 3 & #39
Fri 10/21/11: No School - SLCs
Coming up:
Tue 10/25 Ch 3 Test for I Block
Wed 10/26 Ch 3 Test for C Block
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/16/11 7:52 am
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Mon/Tue 10/17 & 18/11: 3.8 p. 214 #3-39 by 3, 43-45 & 48
Wed/Thu 10/19 & 20/11: Ch 3 Review: p. 222 #4-34 by 3 & #39
Fri 10/21/11: No School - SLCs
Coming up:
Tue 10/25 Ch 3 Test for I Block
Wed 10/26 Ch 3 Test for C Block
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/16/11 7:52 am
4:00 PM

Pre-DP - 10/17/11
Welcome to Q2 folks. Lots of stuff to explore. See you in class.
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Tue 10/18/11: Ex 2: 25.7,26.6,26.7,26.8,26.11
Due Thu 10/20/11: Ex 2: 27.6,27.7,28.2,28.11,29.3
Also know your Pythagorean triples & Perfect squares to 20!
Due Fri 10/21/11: No School (SLCs)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/25/11: Ex 2: 29.4, 29.5, 29.6, 29.7, 29.8
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/17/11 6:56 am
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Tue 10/18/11: Ex 2: 25.7,26.6,26.7,26.8,26.11
Due Thu 10/20/11: Ex 2: 27.6,27.7,28.2,28.11,29.3
Also know your Pythagorean triples & Perfect squares to 20!
Due Fri 10/21/11: No School (SLCs)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/25/11: Ex 2: 29.4, 29.5, 29.6, 29.7, 29.8
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/17/11 6:56 am
3:00 PM

SL 1 - 10/17/11
Updated 10/19/11 3:14 pm
Hi folks,
Although we did run into more confusion about cosine than I was anticipating (not your fault!), I would like to stick with the schedule that I proposed in class on Wed 10/19 for 3 reasons. 1) I think that by the end of the class most of you understood enough about cosine to use it in the context of dot products; 2) because I did 5 problems in class, you should find yourself with a bit more time than usual to delve into areas of confusion and 3) we still have 2 more class periods to clarify questions you have.
Since we only got through problem 51.3 in class today, I've changed the HW below to reflect the correct Exeter problems due for the next 3 class meetings. As you know, they include practice IB problems from the handout that you can download here. Please email, call, or see me at school if you have any questions about the schedule or any of the math. Thanks and have a good week!
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Mon 10/17/11:
Ex 2: 36.7,37.6,38.5,39.7,39.8,39.9,41.10,41.11,46.1,47.7
Wed 10/19/11:
We discussed Ex 2: 48.2,48.9,50.3,50.10, & 51.3
Fri 10/21/11: No Class (SLCs)
Coming up...
Mon 10/24/11: No Class (SLCs)
Due Wed 10/26/11:
Ex 2: 51.5,51.6,52.3,52.7,54.11,60.8,66.1,78.4
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7
Also Due: IB Practice: 1 - 4
Due Fri 10/28/11:
Ex 3: 10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,23.4
Vector Unit Test coming Mon, 10/31 (scary, eh?)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/18/11 7:51 am
Hi folks,
Although we did run into more confusion about cosine than I was anticipating (not your fault!), I would like to stick with the schedule that I proposed in class on Wed 10/19 for 3 reasons. 1) I think that by the end of the class most of you understood enough about cosine to use it in the context of dot products; 2) because I did 5 problems in class, you should find yourself with a bit more time than usual to delve into areas of confusion and 3) we still have 2 more class periods to clarify questions you have.
Since we only got through problem 51.3 in class today, I've changed the HW below to reflect the correct Exeter problems due for the next 3 class meetings. As you know, they include practice IB problems from the handout that you can download here. Please email, call, or see me at school if you have any questions about the schedule or any of the math. Thanks and have a good week!
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Mon 10/17/11:
Ex 2: 36.7,37.6,38.5,39.7,39.8,39.9,41.10,41.11,46.1,47.7
Wed 10/19/11:
We discussed Ex 2: 48.2,48.9,50.3,50.10, & 51.3
Fri 10/21/11: No Class (SLCs)
Coming up...
Mon 10/24/11: No Class (SLCs)
Due Wed 10/26/11:
Ex 2: 51.5,51.6,52.3,52.7,54.11,60.8,66.1,78.4
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7
Also Due: IB Practice: 1 - 4
Due Fri 10/28/11:
Ex 3: 10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,23.4
Vector Unit Test coming Mon, 10/31 (scary, eh?)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/18/11 7:51 am
2:00 PM

SL 2 - 10/17/11
Congratulations all on fantastic performance on the Vector Unit test! As we began on Friday, we'll move on with matrices - including determinants, inverses, applications to linear systems, and making use of calculators. We'll start working more from H&H as well as doing some more Exeter work (Download the problem list here).
Also, with your IA's coming up, some folks asked if I could post the instructions now. Everyone will be doing Gold Medal Heights and, if you want to do a second Investigation, it's called Lacsap's Fractions. We'll talk more about these in class. See you then,
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Tue 10/18/11:
Ex 3: 13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9
Due Thu 10/20/11:
Ex 3: 22.3,22.6,22.7,23.10,23.11,24.5,25.6,25.7,26.6,26.12,27.7
Fri 10/14/11: No School (SLCs)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/25/11:
Ex 3: 30.4,30.5,33.6,36.3,38.2,48.2,75.6 and some H&H problems TBA
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/16/11 4:05 pm
Also, with your IA's coming up, some folks asked if I could post the instructions now. Everyone will be doing Gold Medal Heights and, if you want to do a second Investigation, it's called Lacsap's Fractions. We'll talk more about these in class. See you then,
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Tue 10/18/11:
Ex 3: 13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9
Due Thu 10/20/11:
Ex 3: 22.3,22.6,22.7,23.10,23.11,24.5,25.6,25.7,26.6,26.12,27.7
Fri 10/14/11: No School (SLCs)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/25/11:
Ex 3: 30.4,30.5,33.6,36.3,38.2,48.2,75.6 and some H&H problems TBA
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/16/11 4:05 pm
1:00 PM

HL - 10/17/11
I've decided that it makes more sense to postpone the vector unit test until next Tuesday, instead of this Thursday. That will give us more time to practice the most complex ideas, as represented by the IB problems that I gave you for practice. We also need to discuss the final Exeter problems and the H&H problems that I gave for HW on Fri 10/14. With this Friday and next Monday off from school, that should give you ample time to review and prepare for the test. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Tue 10/18/11:
Discuss Ex 3: 45.2,45.6,47.1,47.8,52.1,54.6,55.3,56.2,57.6,58.1,58.2
Also discuss H&H 14.J.1 p. 409
Due Thu 10/20/11:
H&H p.412 14.J.2 #1-5, & p. 414 14.J.3 #1-3
IB Review Packet #1-8 (MarkScheme)
Fri 10/21/11: No School (SLCs)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/25/11: Unit test
Also see: Class Notes on Vector products
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/16/11 2:44 pm
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/17/11
Due Tue 10/18/11:
Discuss Ex 3: 45.2,45.6,47.1,47.8,52.1,54.6,55.3,56.2,57.6,58.1,58.2
Also discuss H&H 14.J.1 p. 409
Due Thu 10/20/11:
H&H p.412 14.J.2 #1-5, & p. 414 14.J.3 #1-3
IB Review Packet #1-8 (MarkScheme)
Fri 10/21/11: No School (SLCs)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/25/11: Unit test
Also see: Class Notes on Vector products
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/16/11 2:44 pm
12:00 PM

Monday, October 10, 2011
Algebra 2 - 10/10/11
Last week of the quarter - can you believe it? We'll have a little quiz on matrix operations on Wed/Thu and finish up with a few more applications of matrices. The Unit 3 test will be on Wed/Thu Oct 19/20 so be sure that all late or absent homework is turned in by then.
On another note, I've started to post PDF files that contain the SmartBoard notes that I use for each class. These should help you remember what happened and also be useful if you are absent. I hope they help. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Mon/Tue 10/10 & 11/11: 3.6 p. 199 #3-33 by 3, #37-39 all
Wed/Thu 10/12 & 13/11: Quiz on Matrix Operations
(HW Revised 10/13/11 5:10 pm)
C Block: 3x3 review: p. 182 #10-19 by 3
I Block: 3.7 p. 207 #4-19 by 3
Fri 10/14/11: Finish 3.7 p. 207 #4-34 by 3 and #40-44 even
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/13/11 5:14 pm
On another note, I've started to post PDF files that contain the SmartBoard notes that I use for each class. These should help you remember what happened and also be useful if you are absent. I hope they help. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Mon/Tue 10/10 & 11/11: 3.6 p. 199 #3-33 by 3, #37-39 all
Wed/Thu 10/12 & 13/11: Quiz on Matrix Operations
(HW Revised 10/13/11 5:10 pm)
C Block: 3x3 review: p. 182 #10-19 by 3
I Block: 3.7 p. 207 #4-19 by 3
Fri 10/14/11: Finish 3.7 p. 207 #4-34 by 3 and #40-44 even
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/13/11 5:14 pm
4:00 PM

Pre-DP - 10/10/11
Wow! End of the quarter already. We'll be continuing to work with vectors and review algebra this week, and then move on to some other things. See you in class.
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 2: 22.6,22.7,23.6,23.8,24.1,24.7,25.3,25.7
Due Thu 10/13/11:
Ex 2: 26.6,26.7,26.8,26.11,27.6,27.7,28.2,28.11
Due Fri 10/14/11:
Ex 2: 29.3,29.4,29.5,29.6,29.7,29.8,29.10,29.11
Coming up...Due Tue 10/18/11:
Ex 2: 29.12,29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4,30.5,30.6
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/9/11 9:52 am
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 2: 22.6,22.7,23.6,23.8,24.1,24.7,25.3,25.7
Due Thu 10/13/11:
Ex 2: 26.6,26.7,26.8,26.11,27.6,27.7,28.2,28.11
Due Fri 10/14/11:
Ex 2: 29.3,29.4,29.5,29.6,29.7,29.8,29.10,29.11
Coming up...Due Tue 10/18/11:
Ex 2: 29.12,29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4,30.5,30.6
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/9/11 9:52 am
3:00 PM

SL 1 - 10/10/11
Wow, the end of the quarter already! We'll have a little matrix quiz on Wednesday as we move on to more applications. Please work from the new problem set that I will hand out in class. See you then,
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Mon 10/10/11:
Ex 2: 29.10,29.11,29.12,29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4,30.5,30.6
Due Wed 10/12/11: Quiz in class
Ex 2: 30.7,30.12,31.8,31.9,31.10,32.1,34.8,36.7,37.6,38.5
Due Fri 10/14/11:
Ex 2: 39.7,39.8,39.9,41.10,41.11,46.1,47.7,48.2,48.9,50.3
Coming up...Due Mon 10/17/11:
Ex 2: 50.10,51.3,51.5,51.6,52.3,52.7,54.11,60.8,66.1,68.11
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/8/11 9:42 pm
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Mon 10/10/11:
Ex 2: 29.10,29.11,29.12,29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4,30.5,30.6
Due Wed 10/12/11: Quiz in class
Ex 2: 30.7,30.12,31.8,31.9,31.10,32.1,34.8,36.7,37.6,38.5
Due Fri 10/14/11:
Ex 2: 39.7,39.8,39.9,41.10,41.11,46.1,47.7,48.2,48.9,50.3
Coming up...Due Mon 10/17/11:
Ex 2: 50.10,51.3,51.5,51.6,52.3,52.7,54.11,60.8,66.1,68.11
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/8/11 9:42 pm
2:00 PM

SL 2 - 10/10/11
Wow, the quarter is finishing this Friday. Our vector unit test will be on Thursday and then we'll jump right into matrices. See you in class.
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Tue 10/11/11: Ex 3: 13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,23.4
Due Thu 10/13/11: Vector Unit Test
Optional HW due: Unit Review Problems.
Due Fri 10/14/11: No HW Due - Start Matrices
Coming up...Due Tue 10/18/11:
Ex 3: 13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9,22.3,22.6,22.7
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/8/11 11:00 pm
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Tue 10/11/11: Ex 3: 13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,23.4
Due Thu 10/13/11: Vector Unit Test
Optional HW due: Unit Review Problems.
Due Fri 10/14/11: No HW Due - Start Matrices
Coming up...Due Tue 10/18/11:
Ex 3: 13.2,13.3,13.4,14.2,14.3,14.8,15.5,15.9,22.3,22.6,22.7
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/8/11 11:00 pm
1:00 PM

HL - 10/10/11
Can it already be the end of the quarter? Wow! We should finish up with Exeter vector material this week and then do some supplemental work with Haese & Harris (H&H). Look for a unit test next Tuesday, the 18th.
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 3: 11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,22.2,23.4,41.1,41.2,41.8
Due Thu 10/13/11:
Ex 3: 43.3,43.4,43.5,45.2,45.6,47.1,47.8,52.1,54.6,55.3,56.2,57.6,58.1,58.2
Due Fri 10/14/11: H&H 14.J.1 p. 409 #1-14
Coming up...Due Thu 10/20/11: Unit test
H&H p.412 14.J.2 #1-5, 414 14.J.3 #1-3.
Also see: MarkScheme for 2007 Vector practice problems
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/14/11 8:37 am
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/10/11
Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 3: 11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,22.2,23.4,41.1,41.2,41.8
Due Thu 10/13/11:
Ex 3: 43.3,43.4,43.5,45.2,45.6,47.1,47.8,52.1,54.6,55.3,56.2,57.6,58.1,58.2
Due Fri 10/14/11: H&H 14.J.1 p. 409 #1-14
Coming up...Due Thu 10/20/11: Unit test
H&H p.412 14.J.2 #1-5, 414 14.J.3 #1-3.
Also see: MarkScheme for 2007 Vector practice problems
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/14/11 8:37 am
12:00 PM

Monday, October 3, 2011
Algebra 2 - 10/3/11
Onward into more complex systems - 3 variables and more which take us into matrices. Are we having fun yet? Also a head's up. The first quarter ends on 10/14, just two weeks away. If you have late work, this is a good time to get it in!
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Mon/Tue 10/3 & 4/11: 3.4 p. 182 #3-18 by 3, #44 challenge #35
Note that your Take Home Quiz from last week is due!
Wed/Thu 10/5 & 6/11: 3.5 p. 191 #6-27 by 3, #33
Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher Inservice)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/2/11 9:12 pm
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Mon/Tue 10/3 & 4/11: 3.4 p. 182 #3-18 by 3, #44 challenge #35
Note that your Take Home Quiz from last week is due!
Wed/Thu 10/5 & 6/11: 3.5 p. 191 #6-27 by 3, #33
Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher Inservice)
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.
Updated 10/2/11 9:12 pm
4:00 PM

Pre-DP - 10/3/11
A reminder that the quarter ends in just two weeks. Look for a test sometime next week.
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Tue 10/4/11:
Ex 2: 19.7,19.8,20.1,20.7,20.8,20.9,20.10,20.11
Due Thu 10/6/11:
Ex 2: 21.1,21.7,22.6,22.7,23.6,23.8,24.1,24.7
Due Fri 10/7/11: No Class (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 2: 25.3,25.7,26.6,26.7,26.8,26.11,27.6,27.7
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 9:55 pm
Mr. Alei
Pre DP Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Tue 10/4/11:
Ex 2: 19.7,19.8,20.1,20.7,20.8,20.9,20.10,20.11
Due Thu 10/6/11:
Ex 2: 21.1,21.7,22.6,22.7,23.6,23.8,24.1,24.7
Due Fri 10/7/11: No Class (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 2: 25.3,25.7,26.6,26.7,26.8,26.11,27.6,27.7
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 9:55 pm
3:00 PM

SL 1 - 10/3/11
We'll be moving on with vectors and other ideas as we continue this week, moving into 3 dimensions among other things.
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Mon 10/3/11:
Ex 2: 22.7,23.6,23.8,24.1,24.7,24.10,25.3,25.7,26.6,26.7,26.8
Due Wed 10/5/11:
Ex 2: 26.11,27.6,27.7,28.2,28.11,29.3,29.4,29.5,29.6,29.7
Due Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Mon 10/10/11:
Ex 2: 29.8,29.10,29.11,29.12,29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4,30.5
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 10:10 pm
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Mon 10/3/11:
Ex 2: 22.7,23.6,23.8,24.1,24.7,24.10,25.3,25.7,26.6,26.7,26.8
Due Wed 10/5/11:
Ex 2: 26.11,27.6,27.7,28.2,28.11,29.3,29.4,29.5,29.6,29.7
Due Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Mon 10/10/11:
Ex 2: 29.8,29.10,29.11,29.12,29.13,30.1,30.2,30.3,30.4,30.5
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 10:10 pm
2:00 PM

SL 2 - 10/3/11
We're finishing our vector the unit this week, moving into Exeter Book 3. Our unit test will be next Tuesday. Feel free to come in to get extra help any time this week. Here are some review IB problems to help you prepare: Review Problems.
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Tue 10/4/11:
Ex 2: 32.1,34.8,36.7,37.6,38.5,46.1,47.7,48.2,48.9,51.3,51.5,51.6
Due Thu 10/6/11:
Ex 2: 52.3,54.11
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7,10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10
Due Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/11/11:
Just a few review problems. Ex 3: 15.3,17.6,23.4 We'll have our unit test.
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 10:20 pm
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Tue 10/4/11:
Ex 2: 32.1,34.8,36.7,37.6,38.5,46.1,47.7,48.2,48.9,51.3,51.5,51.6
Due Thu 10/6/11:
Ex 2: 52.3,54.11
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7,10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6,13.1,13.8,14.10
Due Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/11/11:
Just a few review problems. Ex 3: 15.3,17.6,23.4 We'll have our unit test.
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 10:20 pm
1:00 PM

HL - 10/3/11
So I heard your input. Back to the full web site (such as it is...). This week we'll finish off another few days of Exeter then next week do some extended work on vectors and their applications from the Haese and Harris book. Keep up the great work folks!
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Tue 10/4/11:
Ex 2: 30.12,31.8,31.9,31.10,32.1,34.8,36.7,37.6,38.5,46.1,47.7,48.2
Due Thu 10/6/11:
Ex 2: 48.9,51.3,51.5,51.6,52.3,54.11
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7,10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6 (Wow! Book 3!)
Due Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 3: 13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,22.2,23.4,41.1,41.2,41.8,43.3,43.4
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 1025 pm
Mr. Alei
HL 1 Assignments: Week of 10/3/11
Due Tue 10/4/11:
Ex 2: 30.12,31.8,31.9,31.10,32.1,34.8,36.7,37.6,38.5,46.1,47.7,48.2
Due Thu 10/6/11:
Ex 2: 48.9,51.3,51.5,51.6,52.3,54.11
Ex 3: 2.4,9.7,10.11,11.10,11.11,12.6 (Wow! Book 3!)
Due Fri 10/7/11: No School (Teacher inservice)
Coming up...Due Tue 10/11/11:
Ex 3: 13.1,13.8,14.10,15.3,17.6,22.2,23.4,41.1,41.2,41.8,43.3,43.4
See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments
Updated 10/2/11 1025 pm
12:00 PM

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